Bad news. My trial has expired, I can't get another one, my school year has ended and it had Flash in the PC lab, I'm moving from NY to TX, and I just don't know how I'll be able to put the finishing touches on the things I've been working on. I have virtually no Flash access from now until further notice.
Also, I am going to need contact info from J. Chun, M. Colucci, C. Spentzos, J. Drueckhammer, Espo, Ryan possibly, and like everyone else since I won't be able to access the school server from now on.
Garage (Updated )
Yes, I suck just enough to respond to random userpage entries from people that I don't even know (in all caps, btw!) Go do something that won't piss off everyone you come in contact with. I also see that you are a NG whore who doesn't do anything except send or write nasty things to random people. ("Job: FUCK YOU!" Oh, that is SO clever! It should say... "Job: I'm too lazy / Living with mother / Only 6 what do you expect???")